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Invisible Man

So, I haven’t yet seen the original Invisible Man, so this is about the remake that was just made with Elizabeth Moss. My first impression was a lot like a lot of other Blumhouse movies, where it starts off great and gets less and less scary as it goes on. This isn’t like a complaint or anything, but I did notice that you discovered that she definitely wasn't crazy early on.


Invisible Man 2.0

It had been one month since Cecilia’s admitance to the phyciatric hospital, and suicide. Things had mostly gone smoothly for her sister, Emily. Well, as smooth as things can go after your sister tries to kill you, and then kills herself. Emily understood, at least. Her sister had come out of an abusive relationship, and had gone crazy. Spouting bullshit about Adrien still being alive. Emily probably would’ve done the same if she constantly thought she was in mortal danger and nobody believed her. But there was one thing Emily didn’t understand. If Em had gone crazy and thought her abusive dead boyfriend was stalking her, she wouldn’t have tried to kill her sister.

She had watched in frozen horror as Cecelia, seemingly un-noticing, raised a knife above her head and brought it down onto the place Emily had been sitting. She would’ve died too, unless the snarky waiter who’d taken their order hadn’t pulled her to the ground just in time. Cecelia then feigned terror at what she’d almost done, right before being knocked to the ground herself by a nearby restaurantee. Cecelia spouted sobbing apologies at Emily until the police arrived. Cecelia swore that it had been Adrien, but the police trusted Emily’s account of things. And even if they didn’t trust her, they trusted Audrey Cardeners instagram selfie with a background shot of a knife in Cecelia’s hand, blade pointing at Em’s throat.

Emily’s shoes were too loose, and the dress was too tight. Emily looked good in black, but funeral clothes didn’t fit her. The ride was too long, and it was too hot in the car. Cecelia would’ve hated it. It was on the beach for god's sakes. Could the funeral planners have thought of a more insensitive place? Might as well have had it at Adriens actual fucking house. Sydney cried the entire time. Emily was grieving too, but it was easier to grieve without everyone's tears. Tears of mourning and tears of pity. Emily was tired of it. An invisible man. Sure. Sure sure sure. Adrien was a mastermind, but he wasn’t that smart. Not smart enough to create an invisible suit. And even if he was, there was no way he would’ve done that to Cecelia. Probably. To be fair, he was a psychopathic abusive asshole. But, there was no way. Emily’s mind wandered back to the memorial. They were talking about her life with Adrien. God, who wrote this, she wondered. She’d only been to Adrien's house once, in the early stages of their living together, when Cecelia had first started to realize something was wrong with him. Emily had gone over to their house while Adrien was at work. They had gone down to a well-lit basement room filled with electronics. There were tons of suits there. None of them were invisible. Well, actually, there was this one stand that was empty. And it was super well protected too. Like it definitely should have had a suit in it, but didn’t. Weird. Suddenly, Emily’s eyes jerked up. A stand that looked like it should’ve had a suit on it. What if it did?

But no. this was the kind of thing Cecelia would’ve said when she was still alive. Emily noticed the crowd around her dispersing, and realized she only recognized about a quarter of the faces. She decided to look at the guest book. Because this weird funeral had one of those. And it got worse. The writing utensil they’d decided to use? A gold fountain pen. The same kind Em’s sister had plunged into her wrists 30 days ago.

“Who the fuck planned this wedding?” she yelled she hadn’t meant to. It just happened. All eyes were on her. She even saw fear in some of the stares. She suspected the stares mean, ‘will she turn out to be crazy too, just like her sister?’ She stormed off. Away from the beach. She knew she shouldn’t have just left, but she couldn’t keep the thoughts at bay. The thoughts that she had let her sister fall into a deep, dark, bad, hole. One that she hadn’t come out of. Emily could have helped her, should’ve seen that she was in trouble, gotten her medicine, doctors, something, anything. But she hadn’t seen that in her sister, her own sister who she’d known her entire life, wasn’t okay. And now these thoughts, mingled with the slight paranoia that Cecelia had been right.

She eventually came back to her senses. Adrien was dead. There was no such thing as an invisible man. And, most of all, that it wasn’t her fault her sister died. She got back just in time for them to shovel sand onto Cecelia’s grave. Or a split-second, Emily thought she saw some of the sand being shoveled in on its own. But no, of course that wasn’t it. It was the wind, or something. There is no such thing as an Invisible Man.

Anyways, I give this movie 9/10 dead security guards.


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